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Step by Step Firmware Recovery
- First of all, power off the device
- Setup your PC: Windows PC’s Ethernet must be configured manually with the following settings (under Network Connections): IP Address:, Subnet Mask :
- Connect AirOS device to PC
- Begin by depressing the reset button. Keep holding, then power the unit on. Wait 8 seconds then release the button (if you want to reset the unit to factory defaults, wait at least 15 seconds). Signal LEDs will be lit indicating that the device is ready for recovery
- Make sure that AirOS device responds to pings (perform a ping from a DOS window), if it does not, go back to the first step
- Upload firmware image file .bin to, using a TFTP client software (binary mode). Windows integrated command line TFTP client or download a third party utility to upload the AirOS firmware. Below are two examples:
- Windows Alternative 1: From Windows PC, you can use TFTP command line from a DOS window (START>>>CMD): Go into the same directory structure as the firmware (e.g., assuming that you have stored the image files in c:\firmware directory, type the command :
cd c:\firmware
) and enter the following (for help type TFTP -h) , e.g.:tftp -i put XS2.ar2316.v3.4-rc.4351.090504.2146.bin
- Windows Alternative 2: Download and execute tftp2 and configure it as in the image to upgrade.
- Signal LEDs will keep blinking one by one in 4 different colors during firmware upgrade. Wait for about 7-10 minutes (devices and firmware depending) – do not power off the device during the procedure!