Hardware eBooks
Hardware eBooks
English | 2013 | ISBN:
0124077269 | 800 pages | EPUB | 13,6 MB The 5th edition of Computer
Organization and Design moves forward into the post-PC era with new
examples, exercises, and material highlig...
2013 | ISBN: 1133135080,
1285193164 | English | 1344 pages | PDF | 76.80 MB This step-by-step,
highly visual text provides a comprehensive introduction to managing and
maintaining computer hardware an...
Published: 2007-05-07 | ISBN:
0470121025 | PDF | 424 pages | 18 MB Covers upgrades for gaming, digital
video, and entertainment! Transform your PC into a glitch-free,
turbocharged, multimedia machine ...
Published: 2010-07-20 | ISBN:
0470883170 | PDF | 320 pages | 23 MB The full-color guide to the
exciting new iPad, written specifically with the needs of seniors in
mind! The iPad is the perfect device...
English | ISBN: 1430259264 |
2013 | 270 pages | PDF | 3 MB Intel Xeon Phi Coprocessor Architecture
and Tools: The Guide for Application Developers provides developers a
comprehensive introduction and ...
English | ISBN: 3319011464 |
2014 | 418 pages | PDF | 70 MB This book describes how engineers can
make optimum use of the two industry standard analysis/design tools,
SystemC and SystemC-AMS (SystemC ...
English | ISBN: 143025887X |
2013 | 328 pages | EPUB | 3.2 MB Smart Home Automation with Linux and
Raspberry Pi shows you how to automate your lights, curtains, music, and
more, and control everything...
English | 2009 | ISBN:
1435427424 | 880 pages | PDF | 10,3 MB This new book provides a total
solution for learning and teaching embedded system design based on the
Freescale HCS12/9S12 microcontroller...
Published: 2005-09-30 | ISBN:
076458958X | PDF | 408 pages | 30.8MB If the fact that PCs are
everywhere still hasn't made you feel warm and fuzzy when you use one,
you're not alone. They may be transf...
English | ISBN: 1617290246 |
2013 | EPUB, PDF, source code | 368 pages | 30 MB Arduino in Action is a
hands-on guide to prototyping and building electronics using the
Arduino platform. Suitable for bo...
English | ISBN: 1430249714 |
2013 | EPUB, PDF | 272 pages | 7 12 MB Practical Raspberry Pi takes you
quickly through the hardware and software basics of the Raspberry Pi.
Author Brendan Horan then get...
Published: 2011-01-20 | ISBN:
1597496235 | PDF | 304 pages | 21.07 MB Game consoles have evolved to
become complex computer systems that may contain evidence to assist in a
criminal investigation. Fro...
Published: 2011-02-07 | ISBN:
0123849888 | PDF | 886 pages | 20.2 MB Graphics Processing Units (GPUs)
are designed to be parallel having hundreds of cores versus traditional
CPUs. Increasingly, you ca...
Published: 2011-10-14 | ISBN:
0789749386 | PDF | 464 pages | 24.42 MB My Droid 2/e covers the
following Android phones: DROID 3/Milestone 3, DROID Pro/Motorola Pro
and DROID X2 by Motorola, DROID Incr...
O..y 2/ed (2-2013) | PDF | 304
pages | ISBN: 1449357296 | 39Mb Amazon's Kindle Fire HD combines the
most popular ereader and tablet features in one sleek package, and with
this entertaining guide, you...
ISBN-10: 1430243929 | 332
pages | PDF | 19 MB So what is a 3D printer? It's a device you can
either buy or build to make parts, toys, art, and even 3D images
captured by a sensor or modeled in softwar...
Q..e (8-2010) | PDF | 352
pages | ISBN: 0789744716 | 14Mb (Covers iPad Wi-Fi and 3G). A Full-color
Step-by-step instructions with callouts to iPad photos that show you
exactly what to do. Help when yo...
Q..e 3/ed (11-2011) | PDF |
416 pages | ISBN: 0789749114 | 20Mb The iPad is a unique and totally
revolutionary device in many ways. The iPad is a tablet computer
featuring multi-touch interaction with...
2010 | ISBN: 143981161X | 501
pages | PDF | 8,3 MB Details a real-world product that applies a
cutting-edge multi-core architecture Increasingly demanding modern
applications-such as those used in tel...
English | ISBN: 1118352785 |
2012 | EPUB | 384 pages | 17 MB Make the most of everything your
exciting new iPhone 5 has to offer Now that you have the latest and
greatest iPhone, it's time to find all...
ISBN: 0789747103 | 1104 pages |
PDF | 17.4 MB For 20 years, Upgrading and Repairing PCs has been the
world��s #1 guide to PC hardware: the single source for reliable
information on troubleshooting and ...
ISBN:1908955600 | English |
178 Pages | True PDF | 63MB The iPad is one of the most intriguing
products to have been released in recent times. Allowing you to have
extreme portability while still bein...
Publisher:Imagine Publishing
Ltd | ISBN:1908955627 | English | 226 Pages | True PDF | 74MB Your Mac
is an incredible piece of kit, that offers features to suit anyone and
everyone. Designed to be acce...
English | ISBN: 1937785041,
9781937785048 | 2012 | 120 pages | PDF, EPUB | 4 + 5 MB Raspberry Pi: A
Quick-Start Guide gives you everything you need to get the Raspberry Pi
up and running and doing coo...
English | ISBN: 1430244461 |
2012 | 416 pages | PDF | 17MB If youve heard of Arduino or even used it
in your own projects, you probably know that the AVR microcontroller is
the brain of the Arduino. I...
English | ISBN: 1587141094 |
edition 2011 | PDF | 912 pages |12.9 mb Concepts, design and deployment
for Cisco Stateful Firewall solutions Cisco Firewalls thoroughly
explains each of the leading Cisco...
ublished: 2010-06-07 | ISBN:
1430227001 | PDF | 336 pages | 12.5 MB The iPhone is the hottest gadget
of our generation, and much of its success has been fueled by the App
Store, Apple��s online marketp...
2010 | ISBN: 1844900681 | 224
pages | PDF | 42,6 MB "Computing Made Easy For The Over 50s" is the
perfect guide for those who want to understand their computer and use it
on a day-to-day basis. Assumi...
2003 | 208 Pages | ISBN:
0072229012 | PDF | 7 MB Rev it up, take it into overdrive, and transform
your ordinary desktop PC into a cool looking, high-performance gamer��s
mod PC. Learn to acquire and in...
2001 | 425 Pages | ISBN:
0849310261 | PDF | 18 MB With the new developments in computer
architecture, fairly recent publications can quickly become outdated.
Computer Architecture: Software Aspects, C...
2003 | 208 Pages | ISBN:
0072229012 | PDF | 7 MB Rev it up, take it into overdrive, and transform
your ordinary desktop PC into a cool looking, high-performance gamer��s
mod PC. Learn to acquire and in...
2009 | ISBN: 0789739542 | 1156
pages | PDF | 16,46 MB For 20 years, Upgrading and Repairing PCs has
been the industry��s #1 guide to PC hardware: the single source for
reliable, step-by-step informatio...
edition 2002 | PDF | 384 pages
| 6,56 mb Do more with your iPAQ than you ever thought possible using
this easy-to-use guide. Get step-by-step guidance for using Word, Excel,
and Outlook, manage your f...
Publisher: Springer | ISBN:
0387237992 | edition 2004 | PDF | 235 pages | 16,2 mb Thimmannnagari, an
experienced designer, offers an insider��s view of CPU design. The
material, which is presented in a...
Sudipta Kundu, Sorin Lerner,
Rajesh K. Gupta, "High-Level Verification: Methods and Tools for
Verification of System-Level Designs" Sp rin er | 2011 | ISBN:
1441993584 | 180 pages | File type: PDF | 2...
Dave Mishchenko, "VMware ESXi:
Planning, Implementation, and Security" Co urse Techn ology P TR | 2010
| ISBN: 1435454952 | 480 pages | File type: PDF | 7,4 mb VMware ESXi is
the easiest way to get st...
PIC Robotics: A Beginner's
Guide to Robotics Projects Using the PIC Micro ISBN: 0071373241 |
edition 2004 | File type: PDF | 274 pages | 24 mb Here´s everything the
robotics hobbyist needs to harness ...
Byrav Ramamurthy, George N.
Rouskas, Krishna Moorthy Sivalingam, "Next-Generation Internet:
Architectures and Protocols" C..ge U-ity Press | 2011 | ISBN: 0521113687
| 434 pages | File type: PDF | 5 mb...
Hans-Joachim Wunderlich,
"Models in Hardware Testing" Sp ng r | 2009 | ISBN: 9048132819 | 257
pages | File type: PDF | 8 mb Model based testing is the most powerful
technique for testing hardware and ...
Andrea Resmini, Luca Rosati ,
"Pervasive Information Architecture: Designing Cross-Channel User
Experiences" M..gan K..nn | 2011 | ISBN: 0123820944 | 272 pages | File
type: PDF | 51,4 mb As physical a...
Sensor and Ad Hoc Networks:
Theoretical and Algorithmic Aspects Publisher: Sрr!ngеr | ISBN:
0387773193 | edition 2008 | File type: PDF | 304 pages | 4.2 mb Sensor
and Ad-Hoc Networks: Theoretical and ...
Sally Slack, "CNET
Do-It-Yourself Digital Home Office Projects" MGHill | 2007 | ISBN:
0071489835 | 303 pages | File type: PDF | 8 mb Run a world-class
business from home Today's home office is much mo...
Cnet Do-it-yourself Camera and
Music Phone Projects : 24 Cool Things You Didnt Know You Could Do
Publisher: MGHill/T.A.B Electronics | ISBN: 0071485643 | 2006 | File
type: PDF | 228 pages | 10 mb Here...
David Tarnoff, "Computer
Organization and Design Fundamentals" tarnoff | 2007 | ISBN: 1411636902 |
434 pages | File type: PDF | 16,5 mb Computer Organization and Design
Fundamentals takes the reader f...
Computer Organization, Design,
and Architecture ISBN: 0849304164 | edition 2007 | File type: PDF | 784
pages | 10,2 mb Suitable for a one- or two-semester undergraduate or
beginning graduate course in...
Macs For Dummies By Edward C.
Baig Publisher: For Dummies; 11 edition 2011 | 456 Pages | ISBN:
0470878681 | File type: PDF | 52 mb The comprehensive how-to for Mac
computer mastery New to Macs? Making...
PCs For Dummies {Repost}
Publisher: For Dummies | ISBN: 076458958X | edition 2005 | File type:
PDF | 408 pages | 30,8 mb This book will help you when you've gotten the
machine into your home and you n...
Hard Rock Miner's Handbook
ISBN: 0968700608 | edition 2000 | File type: PDF | 448 pages | 6,9 mb
Beyond doubt this is an important and meritorious book: Developing and
applying new or improving old ap...
Andrew Adamatzky, Maciej
Komosinski, "Artificial Life Models in Hardware" Sp..ger | 2009 | ISBN:
1848825293 | 280 pages | File type: PDF | 11,7 mb Hopping, climbing and
swimming robots, nano-size neur...
Hardware Hacking: Have Fun
While Voiding Your Warranty By Joe Grand, Ryan Russell, Kevin Mitnick
Publisher: Syn,,gre.ss 2004 | 576 Pages | ISBN: 1932266836 | File type:
PDF | 15 mb "If I had this book...
Polypropylene (Polymer Science
and Technology Series) ISBN: 0412802007 | edition 1998 | File type: PDF
| 987 pages | 53 mb This multiauthor book reviews the present state of
knowledge on the manufactu...
Fundamentals of Compressible
Flow Publisher: New Age International | ISBN: 8122414680 | edition 2006 |
File type: PDF | 704 pages | 28,6 mb Fundamentals of Compressible Flow
with Aircraft and Rocket P...
Guy Hart-Davis, "How to Do
Everything iPod, iPhone iTunes" (Fifth Edition) Publisher: Osborne Media
| ISBN: 0071630244 | edition 2009 | File type: PDF | 448 pages | 13.6
mb Enjoy your iPod, iPhone, an...
Andrew S. Tanenbaum,
"Structured Computer Organization, 4 Edition" P,,ce H-ll | 1998 | ISBN:
0130959901 | 669 pages | File type: PDF | 1,6 mb This book takes a
modern structured, layered approach to u...
Silverlight for Windows Phone
Publisher: Microsoft Innovation Center | ISBN: n/a | edition 2011 | File
type: PDF | 157 pages | 7.3 mb This e-book is written for those who
want to get to know, use, and...
Managing Drilling Operations
Publisher: Elsevier Applied Science | ISBN: 1851666303 | edition 1991 |
File type: PDF | 254 pages | 38,6 mb This book discusses all the
technologies involved in managing ...
Product Design for Manufacture
Assembly Revised Expanded Publisher: CRC | ISBN: 082470584X | edition
2001 | File type: PDF | 688 pages | 19,1 mb Presents up to date tools to
analyze injection molding,...
Ron Gilster, "PC Hardware: A
Beginner's Guide" Publisher: Osborne/ISBN: 0072129905 | edition 2001 |
File type: PDF | 673 pages | 14.2 mb Ideal for PC owners looking for an
accessible, easy-to-follow r...
Energy Management Handbook
Publisher: Fairmont | ISBN: 0881735426 | edition 2006 | File type: PDF |
924 pages | 17,4 mb In this book, you will find detailed coverage of
every component of effective en...
Network Your Computers Devices
Step by Step By Ciprian Adrian Rusen Publisher: Microsoft Press 2010 |
560 Pages | ISBN: 0735652163 | EPUB | 29 mb Teach yourself how to use
the networking features in W...
David A. Patterson, John L.
Hennessy, "Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software
Interface. Third Edition, Revised" Publisher: Morgan Kaufmann | 2007 |
ISBN: 0123706068 | File type: PDF ...
Server Disk Management in a
Windows Environment by Drew Robb Publisher: Auerbach Publications; 1
edition (September 26, 2003) | ISBN: 0849324327 | Pages: 280 | File
type: CHM | 2.89 mb Hard drives and...
Andy Rathbone, "Upgrading and
Fixing Computers Do-it-Yourself For Dummies, 8th Revised edition" Wiley |
ISBN: 0470557435 | Septemb er 22, 2010 | 336 pages | File type: PDF |
9.8 mb Like all Dummies bo...
Kanupriya Gulati, Sunil P.
Khatri, "Hardware Acceleration of EDA Algorithms: Custom ICs, FPGAs and
GPUs" Springer | 2010 | ISBN: 1441909435 | 194 pages | File type: PDF |
1,1 mb This book deals with t...
Computer Organization and
Design, Third Edition: The Hardware/Software Interface, Third Edition
Publisher: Morgan Kaufmann | pages: 656 | 2004 | ISBN: 1558606041 | File
type: PDF | 5,5 mb The choice o...
Ilya Wagner, Valeria Bertacco,
"Post-Silicon and Runtime Verification for Modern Processors" Spr-ger |
2010 | ISBN: 1441980334 | 224 pages | File type: PDF | 2,4 mb The
purpose of this book is to surv...
Comptia A 2009 (Exams 220-701
220-702) Publisher: 2009-2010 | File type: PDF | 434 mb Comptia A 2009
ebooks collection. List of books 0071701338 .Mike Meyers' CompTIA A
Certification All-in-One Exam G...
Take Control of iPhone and
iPod touch Networking Security, iOS 4 Edition By Glenn Fleishman
Publisher: TidBITS Publishing 2010 | 165 Pages | ISBN: 1615420924 | File
type: PDF | 2 mb Basic network conn...
Taking Your iPod touch to the
Max Publisher: Apress | pages: 213 | 2008 | ISBN: 159059987X | File
type: PDF | 5,6 mb Fast and fun to read, Taking Your iPod touch to the
Max gives you all the tips and ...
Donald E. Thomas, Philip R.
Moorby, "The Verilog Hardware Description Language, 5 Edition" S**ger |
2002 | ISBN: 1402070896 | 408 pages | File type: PDF | 6,9 mb The
Verilog TM hardware description la...
Scott Mueller, "Upgrading and
Repairing PCs,19 Edition" Q*e | 2009 | ISBN: 0789739542 | 1176 pages |
File type: PDF | 13,2 mb “�...
Carl Hamacher, Zvonko G.
Vranesic, Safwat G. Zaky, "Computer Organization, 5th Edition " MgH |
2001 | ISBN: 0071122184 | 805 pages | File type: PDF | 16,2 mb This
well-respected text for a first level...
Laptops For Dummies Quick
Reference Publisher: For Dummies | pages: 240 | 2006 | ISBN: 0471798339 |
File type: PDF | 8,6 mb Chances are, you wanted a laptop because it’s
compact, portable, and gets th...
PC Hardware: A Beginner's
Guide Publisher: Osborne/McGraw-Hill | ISBN: 0072129905 | edition 2001 |
File type: PDF | 704 pages | 14,2 mb Ideal for PC owners looking for an
accessible, easy-to-follow re...
The iPad Project Book By
Michael E. Cohen, Dennis Cohen, Lisa L. Spangenberg Publisher: Pea chpit
Press 2010 | 240 Pages | ISBN: 032171475X | File type: PDF | 11 mb
Bridging the gap between the palm-s...
CCNP ONT Portable Command
Guide By Scott Empson Publisher: Ci.sc.o Pr.ess 2008 | 168 Pages | ISBN:
1587201852 | File type: CHM | 15 mb All the ONT 642-845 commands in one
compact, portable resource Pr...
CCNP ISCW Portable Command
Guide By Scott Empson, Hans Roth Publisher: C.is.co Pre.ss 2008 | 192
Pages | ISBN: 1587201860 | File type: PDF | 5 mb Preparing for the CCNP
certification? Working as a net...
Introduction to Nondestructive
Testing: A Training Guide Publisher: Wiley-Interscience | ISBN:
0978190608 | edition 2005 | File type: PDF | 698 pages | 24,9 mb This
updated Second Edition covers curre...
PC Overclocking, Optimization,
Tuning By V. Rudometov, E. Rudometov Publisher: Independent Publishers
Group 2002 | 496 Pages | ISBN: 1931769052 | File type: CHM | 30 mb
Offering detailed information o...
Take Control of iPhone Basics,
iOS 4 Edition By Karen G. Anderson Publisher: TidBITS Publishing 2010 |
138 Pages | ISBN: 1615420878 | File type: PDF | 2 mb Welcome to Take
Control of iPhone Basics, iO...
Frank Ghenassia,
"Transaction-Level Modeling with SystemC: TLM Concepts and Applications
for Embedded Systems" Spr-er | 2005 | ISBN: 0387262326 | 271 pages |
File type: PDF | 4,7 mb Currently employed...
Dan Gookin, "Laptops For
Dummies" For Dummies | 2010 | ISBN: 0470578297 | 360 pages | File type:
PDF | 2,4 mb Get a move on! Learn to roam free with this guide to
choosing and using a laptop Laptops c...
Measuring Computer
Performance: A Practitioner's Guide By David J. Lilja Publisher:
Cam.bridge University Press 2000 | 278 Pages | ISBN: 0521641055 | File
type: PDF | 2 mb Measuring Computer Performan...
Peter Winkler,
"Computerlexikon 2010: Die ganze digitale Welt zum Nachschlagen" M T |
2009 | ISBN: 3827245192 | 1020 pages | File type: PDF | 5,2 mb Das große
Markt Technik Computer-Lexikon 2010. Dies...
Architecture de l'ordinateur
By Robert Strandh, Irène Durand Publisher: Dunod 2005 | 209 Pages |
ISBN: 2100492144 | File type: PDF | 2 mb Ce livre présente les
connaissances nécessaires sur le fonctio...
Audel Automated Machines and
Toolmaking Publisher: Audel | ISBN: 0764555286 | edition 2004 | File
type: PDF | 503 pages | 20,1 mb Machinists must know how to use tool and
die making machines such as g...
Architecture de l'ordinateur
(DUNOD) Robert Strandh, Irène Durand - Collection: Sciences Sup, Dunod-
EAN13 : 9782100492145 - 2005 - 224 pages - French | File type: PDF | 224
Pages | 2.57 mb Cet ouvrag...
Professional BlackBerry
Publisher: Wrox Publishers | ISBN: 0764589539 | edition 2005 | File
type: PDF | 333 pages | 10,3 mb Enabling users to stay connected with
wireless access to calendars, corporat...
Taking Your iPod touch to the
Max By Erica Sadun, Michael Grothaus Publisher: Apress 2010 | 416 Pages |
ISBN: 1430232587 | File type: PDF | 18 mb Unleash your iPod touch and
take it to the limit using...
CrackBerry: True Tales of
BlackBerry Use and Abuse By Martin Trautschold, Kevin Michaluk, Gary
Mazo Publisher: Apress 2010 | 168 Pages | ISBN: 1430231807 | File type:
PDF | 55 mb A delayed train, a di...
Jack Ganssle, Tammy Noergaard,
Fred Eady, Lewin Edwards, David J. Katz, Rick Gentile, Ken Arnold,
Kamal Hyder, Bob Perrin, "Embedded Hardware" N-s | 2007 | ISBN:
0750685840 | 456 pages | File type: PD...
Franzis Verlag ed.,
"Hardware-Handbuch für Selbstbau, Aufrüstung, WLAN, Brenner Co. "
Franzis Verlag | 2005 | ISBN: 3772372104 | 923 pages | File type: PDF |
101 mb Das Hardware-Handbuch für Selbstbau...
Publisher: Elsevier Science | ISBN: 0444424431 | edition 1985 | File
type: PDF | 497 pages | 16,4 mb The present article is a critical review
on enantiomer resolution by ...
Scott Mueller's Upgrading and
Repairing Laptops By Scott Mueller Publisher: Que Corporation 2005 | 912
Pages | ISBN: 0789733765 | File type: CHM | 10 mb Scott Mueller has
gone where Follow Rules!...
How to Do Everything iPod,
iPhone iTunes Publisher: McGraw-Hill Osborne Media | ISBN: 0071630244 |
edition 2009 | File type: PDF | 444 pages | 12,7 mb Fully revised and
updated, this easy-to-use guide...
Nikon D60 For Dummies
Publisher: For Dummies | ISBN: 0470385383 | edition 2008 | File type:
PDF | 355 pages | 22,1 mb You’ve decided to upgrade from your old
point-and-shoot by purchasing the compact ...
The Complete Idiot's Guide to
Creating Your Own CDs By Terry Ogletree, Todd Brakke Publisher: Alpha
2001 | 360 Pages | ISBN: 0028642910 | File type: PDF | 11 mb CD-ROM
"burners" are a standard feature...
How To Do Everything with Your
Tablet PC By Bill Mann Publisher: McGraw-Hill 2003 | 448 Pages | ISBN:
0072227710 | File type: PDF | 11 mb Explore the capabilities and
benefits of your Tablet PC hardwa...
CMOS Cookbook By Don
Lancaster, Howard M. Berlin Publisher: Newnes 1997 | 512 Pages | ISBN:
0750699434 | DJVU | 8 mb The CMOS Cookbook contains all you need to know
to understand and successfully use ...
iPod iTunes For Dummies
Publisher: For Dummies | ISBN: 0471747394 | edition 2005 | File type:
PDF | 411 pages | 10,4 mb Imagine running your daily errands while
listening to songs from five different ...
Корендясев А.И. и др.
"Теоретические основы робототехники. Книга 1" Наука | 2006 год | 383
стр. | DJVU | ISBN: 5020344397 | 4.9 mb Монография представляет собой
фундаментальное издание в двух книгах, ...
Ken Arnold , "Embedded
Controller Hardware Design (Embedded Technology Series) " Newnes | 2001 |
ISBN: 1878707523 | 320 pages | File type: PDF | 10,8 mb "The book is a
great introduction to low-end, c...
Processor and System-On-Chip
Simulation, by Rainer Leupers Springer | 2010 | ISBN: 1441961747 |
English | Pages: 359 | File type: PDF | 8 mb Simulation of computer
architectures has made rapid progres...
Doug Abbott, "PCI Bus
Demystified" Newnes | 2000 | ISBN: 187870754X | 208 pages | File type:
PDF | 1,6 mb The most accessible introduction to the PCI Bus, now
updated to include PCI-X 2.0! Review Aime...
Arnold S. Berger, "Hardware
and Computer Organization (Embedded Technology)" Newnes | 2005 | ISBN:
0750678860 | 512 pages | File type: PDF | 7,4 mb Hardware and Computer
Organization is a practical in...
Mathematical and Physical
Simulation of the Properties of Hot Rolled Products Publisher: Elsevier
Science | ISBN: 0080427014 | edition 1999 | File type: PDF | 373 pages |
16,6 mb The objective of this...
Jean Andrews, "A Guide to
Hardware: Managing, Maintaining and Troubleshooting" Course Technology |
2009 | ISBN: 1435487389 | 768 pages | File type: PDF | 157 mb Written
by best-selling PC repair autho...
IBM's Early Computers (History
of Computing) Publisher: The MIT Press | ISBN: 0262022257 | edition
1985 | File type: PDF | 735 pages | 52 mb In describing the technical
experiences of one company from...
Flying Boats and Seaplanes
since 1910 ISBN: 071370537X Balloons and airships, 1783-1973 ISBN:
071370568X Airliners Between the Wars, 1919-39 ISBN: 0713705671 Bombers,
Patrol and Reconnaissance Aircraf...
Deborah Morley, Charles S.
Parker Understanding Computers: Today and Tomorrow, Comprehensive, 13
edition Course Technology | 2010 | ISBN: 0538748109 | 792 pages | File
type: PDF | 79 mb Understanding ...
Parallel Computer
Architecture: A Hardware/Software Approach (The Morgan Kaufmann Series
in Computer Architecture and Design) By David Culler, J.P. Singh, Anoop
Gupta Publisher: Morgan Kaufmann; 1st e...
Configuring Juniper Networks
Netscreen Ssg Firewalls Syngress Publishing | English | 2007 | ISBN-10:
1597491187 | 512 pages | File type: PDF | 13.7 mb Configuring Juniper
Networks NetScreen SSG Firewa...
Middleware Networks: Concept,
Design and Deployment of Internet Infrastructure Publisher: Springer |
English | 2006 | ISBN-10: 0792378407 | 375 pages | File type: PDF | 6 mb
Middleware Networks: Conce...
Essential Computer Security:
Everyone's Guide to Email, Internet, and Wireless Security Syngress
Publishing | English | 1988 | ISBN-10: 1597491144 | 279 pages | File
type: PDF | 11.72 mb Essential Sec...
My New Iphone: 52 Simple Projects to Get You Started By Wallace Wang Publisher: Follow Rules!...
Cisco Routers for the Desperate: Router and Switch Management, the Easy Way By Michael W. Lucas Publisher: Follow Rules!...
Francky Catthoor, Praveen
Raghavan, Andy Lambrechts, Murali Jayapala, Angeliki Kritikakou, Javed
Absar, "Ultra-Low Energy Domain-Specific Instruction-Set Processors"
Springer | 2010 | ISBN: 9048195276...
Pipeline Pigging and
Inspection Technology Publisher: Gulf Professional Publishing | ISBN:
0872014266 | edition 1992 | File type: PDF | 476 pages | 17,6 mb This
reference focuses on oil, gas, and prod...
The 80x86 IBM PC and
Compatible Computers Prentice Hall, 4th edition | Muhammad Ali Mazidi |
ISBN: 013061775X | 2002 | File type: PDF | 1024 pages | 38 mb The 80x86
IBM PC and Compatible Computers: As...
Charu C. Aggarwal, "Data
Streams: Models and Algorithms" Springer | 2006 | ISBN: 0387287590 | 358
pages | File type: PDF | 18,9 mb Data Streams: Models and Algorithms
primarily discusses issues relate...
Alan Wiemann, "Standardized
Functional Verification" Springer; 1 edition (September 14, 2007) |
ISBN: 0387717323 | 296 pages | File type: PDF | 6 mb Standardized
Functional Verification describes the ...
Gerald R. Rising, "Inside Your
Calculator: From Simple Programs to Significant Insights"
Wiley-Interscience | 2007-07-16 | ISBN:0470114010 | 304 pages | File
type: PDF | 1,4 mb Many of us want to unde...
Jonathan Harbour, «The Black
Art of Xbox Mods» Sams Publishing | ISBN: 0672326833 | 2004 | File type:
PDF | 336 pages | 13.43 mb The Xbox might be described as a powerful,
proprietary PC that has been...
Take Control of iPad Basics
Publisher: TidBITS Publishing | June, 2010 | English | ISBN-10:
1615420517 | ISBN-13: 9781615420513 | 113 pages | File type: PDF | 5,4
mb Whether you’ve already used an iPa...
Winn L. Rosch, "Hardware
Bible, 6 Ed" Que | 2003 | ISBN: 0789728591 | 1152 pages | File type: CHM
| 4,4 mb The Winn L. Rosch Hardware Bible provides a background on how
things work, puts competing tec...
Kyle, Ph.d. Kirkland,
"Computer Science: Notable Research and Discoveries" Facts on File |
2010 | ISBN: 0816074410 | 208 pages | File type: PDF | 4,4 mb Computer
science is a rapidly growing disciplin...
iPhone Fully Loaded By Andy
Ihnatko Publisher: John Wiley Sons 2009 | 288 Pages | ISBN: 0470542136 |
File type: PDF | 17 mb Get more out of–and onto–your iPhone than you
ever thought possible The new,...
Интернет. Шаг за шагом. 2009 |
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480 pages | 11.4 мб О Всемирной паутине написано немало книг, однако
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компьютера. 2009 | А. Ватаманюк | Питер | ISBN: 9785388003461 | руcский |
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Encyclopedia of Textile
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Hennessy, "Computer Organization and Design, 4 Edition: The
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эксплуатации и предотвращения п...
Internetworking Technologies
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Pages | ISBN: 1587051192 | File type: PDF | 14 mb An essential reference
for every network professi...
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Kemao Peng, Venkatakrishnan Venkataramanan, "Hard Disk Drive Servo
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0470174692 | File type: PDF | 11 mb Congratulations! The iPhone you
just bought is one heck of a w...
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Brad Miser Publisher: John Wiley Sons 2008 | 400 Pages | ISBN:
0470291702 | File type: PDF | 18 mb The Genius is in. You don′t have to
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Gary Stringham,
quot;Hardware/Firmware Interface Design: Best Practices for Improving
Embedded Systems Developmentquot; Newnes | 2009 | ISBN: 1856176053 | 376
pages | File type: PDF | 2,2 mb Why care ...
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eines verteilten adaptiven Realzeit-Multiagentensystemsquot; Vieweg
Teubner Verlag | 2010 | ISBN: 3834812706 | 2...
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Teich, quot;Digitale Hardware/Software-Systeme: Spezifikation und
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Reference for Dummies By Doug Lowe Publisher: For Dummies 2003 | 864
Pages | ISBN: 0764542605 | File type: PDF | 12 mb 9 books in 1�?your key
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edition 2008 | File type: PDF | 306 pages | 11,8 mb Now you can get the
most out of your PC with the f...
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ever thought possible The new,...
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2007 | ISBN: 0123704979 | 592 pages | File type: PDF | 31,3 mb Digital
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0789739542 | File type: PDF | 1177 Pages | 13.4 mb For 20 years,
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Frank Armstrong, Paul B. Brown
Save Your Retirement: What to Do If You Haven't Saved Enough or If Your
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