This tool is for :-
- Security specialists,
- Penetration testers,
- System auditors,
- System or network managers.
Supported Distributions
- Debian
- CentOS
- Gentoo
- Fedora Core 4 and higher
- FreeBSD
- Arch Linux
- Knoppix
- OpenSuSE
- Mandriva 2007
- OpenBSD 4.x
- OpenSolaris
- Mac OS X
- Ubuntu
- PCLinuxOS
- Red Hat, RHEL 5.x
- Slackware 12.1
- Solaris 10
How to install Lynis in Backtrack 5
- To install Lynis in Backtrack 5 use apt-get install command .
- Command : apt-get install lynis
- See below image for more details -
Open Lynis
- To open linux , Goto System > Linux auditing tool
- See the below image for more details -
Example : With Lynis , I am going to Audit Backtrack 5
Lynis : OS Detection
- It open with a small banner as shown in the below image .
- It automaticaly start a system auditing . You just need to press the enter Key .
- To stop the process press [Ctrl]+c .
- See the below image for more details -
System tools auditing
Boot and services
- In this below image , it check the boot loaders.
- It checks the presence of boot loaders as follow -
- In which GRUB2 Boot Loader is present in backtrack.
- Checks for the kernel .
- See the below image for more details -
Memory and processes auditing
User, Groups and Authentication Auditing
Shells and File System Auditing
Network Auditing
Software : email and messaging and firewall auditing
Auditing : Web Server, SSH Support and SNMP Support
Auditing : LDAP Services and PHP
Auditing : Storage
Auditing : Name Services
Auditing : Ports and packages
Auditing : Squid Support , Logging and files
Insecure Services
Scheduled Tasks , Accounting , Time ans Synchronization
Cryptography, Virtualization , Security frameworks
Auding : File Intrigrity and malware scanners
Auditing : Kernel Hardening
Lynis Report
- You can find Lynis log file : /var/log/lynis.log
- To view lynis.log file , use cat command .
- Command : cat lynis.log
- See the below image for more details -
Lynis Report file
- You can find lynis report file in /var/log/lynis-report.dat
- See the below image for more details -
Lynis report
- This is the best Linux Auditing Program .
- Lynis
gives a depth amount of information and suggestion about your Linux ,
which help you to improve the security of your Linux .
- This is best for Penetration Tester, Security Specialist, System Auditors, system or network managers.